Thank you to the very sweet Jem for nominating me for The Liebster Award! [Basically it is a way for us to get to know each other better & to find new/ more friends on the internetzzzzz] I am so flattered and glad that I am getting to know my fellow fashion-addicts-bloggers- I need more of you in my life!
The rules are:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you
3. Create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs
So let's start with questions from jem:
I don't wear makeup a lot but whenever I feel like being fabulous I put on my recently purchased Dior Black Tie lipstick- just to be extra dramatic (photos coming soon)
What is one of your passions?
Fashion, photography, art, music... they all get me going.
What is your absolute favourite TV show (or movie if you don't watch much TV)?
Blue Valentine & Breathless (1960)
What is your favourite clothing item to shop for?
Tough question because every single clothing item is my favorite to shop for! But if I had to choose... probably fancy socks and tights and other types of (leg gear?)! I don't know what it is about them
Favourite season?
Winter & Summer
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or if you are grown up, what do you do right now?
Be doing something in the fashion industry, and to love what I do
Nails - rounded or squared off?
Favourite cereal?
Why cereal when there are so many better breakfast-y things to have????
Give a random, quirky fact about yourself.
I sometimes have these excitement attacks where I freak out suddenly and people get very taken aback because I am usually quite a calm person
What is your favourite hobby or pastime?
Hello shopping
Early bird or night owl?
It's a little odd but I get awfully excited and/or inspired once it gets past 9 PM
I nominate steph because she has the most clever writing style & I truly think she should at least write a book or something one day.
I also nominate sc-ting because this girl is so super duper artsy I love it so much & I need to see you blog more!
Here are my 11 questions for you!
1. Soundtrack (song) of your life?
2. Favorite ice cream flavour?
3. Ultimate goal in life?
4. The one thing you will always love shopping for?
5. Biggest pet peeve
6. The last time you did something for the very very first time?
7. If you could have any animal as a pet?
8. Something you wish you did when you were young?
9. The most wonderful thing you ever ate?
10. Something quirky or absolutely weird about yourself?
11. Why is the sky blue?
I also realized I just skipped the 11 things about myself, but hey I think I've outdone myself in the writing department for this post & if you have any burning questions for me still, comment below!
Vogue UK February
1 comment:
Aww, I really enjoyed this blog post, Rachel. :) And your questions are so much more clever than mine! :P
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